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A range of wilsonia species occur in Tasmanian saltmarshes. In the Derwent Estuary the most common is narrow-leaf wilsonia (Wilsonia backousei), while silky wilsonia (Wilsonia humilis) and round-leafed wilsonia (Wilsonia rotundifolia) are both listed as rare in Tasmania. Much like glassworts and pigface, wilsonia form a dense carpet-like groundcover. They have narrow, fleshy leaves and bear small white flowers in late spring and summer. The flowers of the common narrow-leaf wilsonia are thin elongated corollas, or tubes which look like little trumpets. If you look closely, small beetles and ants can be seen feeding on the pollen from these flowers. Invasion of the woody weed African boxthorn is quite detrimental to the health of the wilsonia populations.