Water strider

Community type
Habitat type
Tidal wetlands and macrophytes beds
Water striders or pond skaters are fascinating creatures which seem to glide over the surface of the water. They sense their insect prey by detecting surface ripples, and they hunt by running across the surface of the water. They seem to row or skate across the surface, and can move surprisingly quickly to catch prey, or escape predation. The fine hairs on each leg spread the weight of the leg, producing a depression on the water surface, and the surface tension of the water easily supports the light weight of the insect.
Water striders are quite easy to recognise, and there is nothing that they could be confused with. Adults and nymphs both inhabit the same types of areas living on the banks of creeks and other water sources. They prefer still water of ponds and lakes, or calm water at the edges of flowing rivers and streams. Water striders are the perfect meal for fish.