Striated field wren

Community type
Habitat type
Striated field wrens are a small shy bird that are usually heard before they are seen. Their light brown feathers have dark ‘striations’ of flecks, providing good camouflage against the bushes and sedges where they live. Field wrens are best seen in the morning when they perch on top of shrubs and call to their mates before darting back into the bushes.
They commonly inhabit low shrubby vegetation of coastal heathlands, sedgelands, tussocky grasslands, and margins of swamps. Field wrens are mainly eat spiders and insects from among the branches and leaves of bushes, or from the ground. They do also eat some seeds, notably from native Poa grasses.
Field wrens hold small territories which they occupy year round, and breeding in Tasmania takes place in late spring and summer. They select well sheltered sites for nesting, such as at the base of dense shrubs or sedges.