Looper Moth

Looper Moth
Image: Jim Duggan
Community type

Succulent herbland

Habitat type

Saltmarsh and tidal flats

The Tasmanian saltmarsh looper and chevron looper are both rare in Tasmania due to their apparent limited extent and low abundance. The saltmarsh looper is endemic to Tasmania, while the chevron looper also occurs on the mainland. Both species are thought to be restricted to saltmarsh habitat in the Pittwater and Derwent region. There are many uncertainties regarding the food plants and habitat requirements of the larval and pupae stages of both species. Most likely food is the sap from succulent herbs like wilsonia and Selleria. Flying adults have been recorded at the margins of succulent herblands on the stems of Poa and Gahnia tussocks. Best seen at Lauderdale saltmarsh on warm still nights between January and March.

Much of the text within the species area of our website was written by Veronica Thorpe, as part of the Derwent River Wildlife Guide (2000).

The DEP has developed a variety of classroom and outdoor activities, including classroom materials, online resources, interpretive walks, games and sensory experience. These are focused around the key estuary habitats.