Aquatic earthworm -
Australasian Bittern -
Baitfish -
Banded morwong -
Bat -
Beaded and thick-headed glasswort -
Biscuit star -
Black lipped abalone -
Black swan -
Black-faced cormorant -
Did you know?
We support long term monitoring programs of Derwent spotted handfish and little penguins.
Blue mussel -
Blue-throated wrasse -
Burrowing invertebrates -
Butterfly -
Chaffy saw sedge -
Chequered blue butterfly -
Common reed -
Many species depend on the wetlands, seagrasses, tidal flats and rocky reefs of the Derwent estuary. Learn more about these habitats.
Common spike-rush -
Crested tern -
Derwent River Seastar -
Dragonfly -
Draughtboard shark -
Eastern banjo frog -
Egret -
Eight-armed seastar -
Finger sponge -
Flounder -
Fragile air-breather -
Freshwater flathead -
Freshwater mussel -
Freshwater snail -
Giant kelp -
Great egret -
Jewel anemone -
Karamu -
Little penguin -
Long-snouted boarfish -
Looper Moth -
We dedicate this section of the website to Veronica Thorpe’s memory, for her passion for environmental education and love for the Derwent.
Macrophytes -
Maori octopus -
Microscopic algae and bacteria -
New Zealand screw shell -
Orange feather star -
Pacific black duck -
Pacific gull -
Pacific oyster -
Pied oystercatcher -
Platypus -
Purple urchin -
Red-capped plover -
Reed warbler -
Regular seastar -
Rice grass -
Round leafed pigface and native pigface -
Sand flathead -
Sea lettuce -
Sea rush -
Shark -
Shore crab -
Short-finned eel -
Short-tailed sea slug -
Shrimp -
Shrubby glasswort -
Skate -
Southern hulafish -
Southern rock lobster -
Spotted handfish -
Stonefly -
Striated field wren -
Swamp antechinus -
Swamp gum -
Swamp harrier -
Tasmanian blenny -
Tasmanian native hen -
Tea tree -
Tiger snake -
Toothbrush leatherjacket -
Trout -
Tube worm -
Turban shell -
Waratah anemone -
Water boatman -
Water rat -
Water strider -
Weedy seadragon -
Whimbrel -
White-bellied sea eagle -
White-fronted chat -
Wilsonia -
Wolf spider