Celebrating new partners

Beach walk, Howrah, Tasmania.
Image: Kieran Bradley
We are delighted to announce we have new partners for the Derwent Estuary Program. NRM South and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Tasmania have joined our partnership, and we are excited about the opportunities this will bring to care for and enhance our estuary.
As the most southern resource management body in Tasmania, NRM South collaborates with the community, landholders, research organisations and government to lead on-ground action and partnerships to demonstrate the value of managing our natural environment. They are an excellent partner for us, with a similar vision to protect, preserve, and improve the management of our natural resources.
As Tasmania’s regulator on activities that may impact environmental quality, and to have clean water and sustainable use of resources, we are excited by the EPA joining our partnership. We’ve worked with the EPA over the years to address water quality issues, and we look forward to continuing to share data to inform policy when required.
We now have 15 partners in the program, including local governments, the Tasmanian Government, commercial and industrial enterprises, and community-based groups. Together, we can achieve our vision for a healthy estuary that supports a wide range of uses and is a source of community pride and enjoyment.
Our partners include Clarence City Council, City of Hobart, Brighton Council, Derwent Valley Council, Glenorchy City Council, Kingborough Council, the Tasmanian Government, EPA Tasmania, TasPorts, TasWater, Hydro Tasmania, Norske Skog, NRM South, Nyrstar Hobart and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies.
Learn more about our partnerships and achievements.
Monday 23 May 2022