If you suspect an occurrence in the Derwent Estuary is a pollution event, please report it to the EPA Pollution Incidents and Complaints Hotline on 1800 005 171. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Sea foam on a beach. Image: paulbr75.
    Sea foam
    What is that dirty scum?

    Sea foam is a naturally-forming substance that floats on the surface of water and can accumulate in large amounts on the shoreline.

  • Bioluminescence in the River Derwent at Montagu Bay, April 2021. Image: Jenny Kathy, Bioluminescence Tasmania.
    The water is sparkling!

    Bioluminescence is a stunning, naturally occurring display, only visible after dark, that delights everybody lucky enough to see it.

  • Algal bloom known as ‘red tide’ at the Hobart waterfront, October 2020. Image: Jenny Kathy, Bioluminescence Tasmania.
    Red tide
    Does that look like tomato soup?

    A type of algal bloom, referred to as ‘red tide’, is a naturally occurring component of many aquatic systems.

  • A cold dawn brings the icy flow of fog down the River Derwent, Hobart. Image: Tim Rudman.
    Bridgewater Jerry
    A tunnel of fog

    The locally famous Bridgewater Jerry is a much-loved natural phenomenon that shows itself in autumn and wintertime.